It is indeed a matter of great privilege to place before you the sixth issue of bi-annual multidisciplinary peer reviewed GBS Impact. This journal is an effort to provide a platform to research scholars, academicians and corporate executives to disseminate their innovation, field based research and practical experiences through the publication for the benefit of the society at large.
The article “eCRM contribution towards the effective business” is the conceptual study on the customer relationship management Electronic customer relationship management in various industries. The article focuses on how business goals and objectives are achieved using the concept of customer relationship management.
The article “Make in India campaign the prop up of small scale industries in Karnataka'' examines the growth & success story of make in India especially in the state of Karnataka. The study further elaborates on the various challenges faced by MSME in executing make in India.
“Patient relationship practices - A study of North Karnataka” simplifies the concept of customer relationship management and how CRM can be used to manage the customers in the healthcare industry. The article studies the effectiveness of CRM practices in hospitals and clinics from the perspective of the patients.
The article on “Will mentoring benefit business school students? - A case study” focuses on the importance of mentoring especially in a mentee's life in guiding him/her in their professional and sometimes personal lives. The article also focuses on the mentors role in the upbringing of mentees.
The article “A study of Electronic customer relationship management practices in Indian banking sector with special reference to Karnataka” emphasises on eCRM practices in the banking sector in Karnataka. The study highlights the current eCRM practices and the opportunities for use of eCRM tools in the banking sector.
Trust that the compendium of articles in this issue makes it fascinating to read.